Dedicated servers

The dedicated server service was created with the most demanding users in mind. It consists in making the entire server available to one specific Service Recipient.

The main advantage of the service is the possibility of individual selection of hardware and software components. On the server, the customer can install software and freely configure the installed and configured operating system.

Dedicated servers enable independent administration and full management of the server by customers using the SSH protocol or purchased administration panel, eg WHM/cPanel. We also offer servers with administration performed by our administrators.

We provide high quality server work without the need to incur the costs of maintaining our own technical infrastructure.

The dedicated server service includes:

  • secured, air-conditioned server room (including security in accordance with GIODO requirements),
  • continuous monitoring 24 hours a day,
  • powering server rooms from several power substations,
  • emergency power supply,
  • GigabitEthernet port,
  • many independent internet connections.

Request for proposal of dedicated servers

WordPress hosting

Speed and performance: NVMe Drives, http/3, multiple cache methods, free data migration, free SSL certificates

Joomla! hosting

Speed ​​and performance: high I/O, lots of RAM, NVMe drives, http/3, free SSL certificates, technical support

PrestaShop hosting

Security and Performance: Full Separation, Anti-Exploit Technology, NVMe Drives, http/3, Redis, Free SSL Certificates

Dedicated servers

When high computing power is required, choose a dedicated server with full administration, in an European server room with the cPanel management panel.

VPS servers

When you need to configure an operating system on our hosting platform, it's a good idea to choose your own VPS with cPanel and root access.

Domains registration

On you can register several hundred types of domains from all over the world. Prices are clear and predictable. We are a partner of NASK and EURid

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